A busy week!


Had a crazy few days here at "Womble HQ"! 🤪
This is a summary of what's gone on since Wednesday last week!
Meeting on Wednesday went ahead, with Conrad, Jacky Rooney Nelson from the litter pickers Facebook group, Cllr Simon Weaver, myself, Sarah Timms and Jenni Collins. All of whom after the meeting were very enthused.
There is a space on the community notice board in the library for how people can get involved openly or secretly.
We'll also be asking people to let us know how much they collect each week so it can be entered into the Northants Litter Wombles data sheet, (we entered 12 in for Last week). Plus nominate areas they would like to see cleared up.
We changed the name to Brackley Litter Wombles and Jamie from Clockwork Design created us a brand Thursday morning. We shared the group on Facebook and have had over 40 new members since last Wednesday.
Northants Litter Wombles provided us with purple bin bags and 10 branded purple hi Viz vests at the weekend.
Last night I put out a request for equipment and road signs so if we are doing pavements or verges in busy streets, drivers are warned. So much response!! 😲😲 We've got local companies offering to sponsor us road signs that say VOLUNTEERS LITTERPICKING PLEASE SLOW DOWN, hi Viz vests of all sizes, litter pickers, bag rings and gloves. WNC will provide us with purple bin bags.
Currently liaising with a company who will make the signs for us.
We'll be a presence at the coronation event at the rugby club. In "uniform" with purple bags.
We have arranged two community litter picks
Saturday 13th May where we'll tackle the bottom of Buckingham Road and hopefully outside Tesco
Saturday 17th June we will meet up at Sainsbury's and tackle the area behind there up to the back of the Paisley Pear.
More dates have been arranged, we just need areas.
We have a risk assessment document taken from the Northants Litter Wombles group for these group events.
Scouts and guides are in. Scouts will be looking after scout field and their hut.
In contact with local primary schools for mini wombles and getting their Eco groups involved. Only heard back from Radstone and Bracken Leas so far.
Awaiting Rita to get back from holiday to engage SNYE. It would be great to have some teen Wombles taking care of the new skate park area when that is in place.
Conrad is creating a piece about himself for Town Talk. We'll have a piece about the group in Life in Brackley.
Alan Smith has just phoned me for a piece to go out on the community radio on 7th May.
We're looking, very soon, for businesses to pledge to look after their property but want bag count and photo evidence to put forward to them.
Oh and set up a blog! It's currently brackleylitterwombles.blogspot.com
but need to transfer it over to brackleylitterwombles.co.uk
which will be done asap. My other half and I need to have coinciding free time.
I think that's it for now! 🤣🤣
And breathe!!!


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