Brackley Litter Wombles Group celebrated its first birthday on Thursday 11th April!
Since then we have removed 1424 bin bags of litter (equating to over 5.5 tonnes of litter) and no end of random items.
We have helped try to keep our town litter free and cleared 3 local lay-bys.
We have done school visits, helped at community events and have liaised with scout and brownie groups so they can do litter picks.
Fingers crossed WNC will be installing bins at the top of Turweston Road very soon as the pop up bins have done their job in collecting evidence that one is needed there! 
All of this would not be possible without the hard core 12 or so regular wombles that every week clear away rubbish plus the other 20 or so that turn up to our monthly community wombles. These people are committed to keeping our town tidy.
We would like to thank the fabulous businesses and people who donated us equipment or money at the start so we had PPE and equipment to to this job. 
After a year things need replacing and we have created a Just Giving page if you would like to support us for another year.
Here's to another year of wombling and hopefully we will see more of you joining in.


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