Thursday 5th September at 4:00pm saw the opening of the long awaited skatepark in Brackley. 

Luckily the weather was dry so the park was heaving with kids of many ages. Amazing BXM stunts were performed by some of the local talent and the area was enjoyed by all.

However, once the families went home, litter galore!

The council had provided two litter bins but the could not cope with the capacity of litter that was there. Most of it was plastic bottles or cans. Over the weekend we wombles collected 9 purple bin bags of rubbish.

Sunday evening, one of our chief wombles emailed the Town Council about the situation with a suggestion that a recycling bin should be put there as well as more or bigger bins.

The following morning at 8:00am we had an email back with a plan andthat afternoon 3 extra black bins and a blue recycling bin were installed!

Amazing what vigilance and team work can do. Thank you Brackley Town Council for listening to us and acting so quickly.


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